Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes

What’s more All-American than ice cream sundaes especially when the temperatures are hot, hot, hot! Homemade ice cream is part of summer fun.  Growing up I lived for buckets full of frozen  creamy concoctions created by my uncle Lyle and my dad; they were true ice cream aficionados.  They created some of the best ice cream flavors like Tutti Frutti, Mint and Fresh Strawberry like this one.  Most summer family gatherings were never without a large container or two.

Well I’m doing that for my own family in a slightly healthier way.  Premium ice cream usually calls for eggs and heavy cream.  This lightened up version omits the eggs and uses part whole milk and part half and half for lots of creaminess without as much of the fat.  I’ve experimented with fat-free half and half with this recipe, but found that it needed some milk fat to keep it creamy.

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes 2

Speaking of milk fat, I’ve got some surprising news for you and it surprised me too when I learned of it.  Recent research suggests that despite the highly saturated nature of milk fat, there is no significant evidence for an increased risk of coronary heart disease.  That flies in the face of everything I’ve been teaching for decades. Now it’s not to say that you can eat any amount of saturated milk fat at any time, but occasional whole milk products including cheese and ice cream in moderate portions will do no harm and may even offer some benefits.  This is another example of how what we knew in the past is changing in the future as science begins to narrow in on specific effects of sub groups of a substance rather than as one broad category.  For a good review article and list of study links go HERE.

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes 3

One Year Ago:  Simple Chicken Parmesan

Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 4 hours, 15 minutes

Yield: 12 servings

  • Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream Sundaes
  • 4 cups strawberry halves
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup half and half
  • Whipped cream
  • Fresh blueberries and sliced strawberries
  • Toasted Coconut Chips (I used Creative Snacks brand available at Costco)
  1. Coarsely mash strawberries with sugar, lemon juice, and salt using a potato masher in a large bowl. Let stand, stirring and mashing occasionally, 10 minutes.
  2. Transfer half of strawberry mixture to a blender and purée with milk and half and half until smooth. Return strawberry-milk mixture to bowl with remaining strawberries and chill, stirring occasionally, until very cold, 3 to 6 hours.
  3. Freeze mixture in ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions. Transfer to an airtight container and put in freezer to firm up.
  4. To serve, let ice cream sit out for a few minutes before scooping. Scoop 1/2 cup portions into dessert cups. Top with whipped cream, fresh berries and toasted coconut chips.


Total time includes chilling and freezing.

Recipe source: Epicurious No-cook Strawberry Ice Cream


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