Grilled Chicken Burgers with Creamy Pesto

If you haven’t been using ground chicken in recipes you’ve been missing out on a great alternative to ground beef.  I’ve really only started seeing fresh ground chicken in the meat department in the last couple of years.  Ground chicken becomes your new taco meat, lasagna sauce or even pizza crust.  Try my Chicken-Crusted Asian Veggie Pizza and Southwestern Chicken Meatballs for great ways to use ground chicken.

Ground chicken is low in total fat, especially saturated fat.   This is great for our health, especially our heart health.  Saturated fats eaten in large amounts every day are known to clog arteries.  But not all saturated fat is bad for us.  For example there is a lot of evidence stating that dairy fat (highly saturated) is good for us and that some red meat fats (also highly saturated) may not have the artery-clogging effects we once thought.  Tropical oils like coconut, palm and palm kernel oils (highly saturated) have not been completely studied for their effects on the heart.  So for now I choose to use these fats/oils in moderation.  Saturated fats found in processed meats like pepperoni, salami, hot dogs, chorizo, brats and bologna are foods I generally choose not to eat.

Lower in fat means a little less flavor so to add more zip I mix in all kinds of tasty veggies and spices.  I add Parmesan cheese, red bell peppers, artichoke hearts, fresh basil, oregano and garlic. . . . so Mediterranean!

Lower in fat means I need to oil the grill very well before placing the burger patties so they don’t stick.

Lower in fat means I will add healthy fat so I choose mashed avocado and/or an olive oil mayonnaise-basil pesto blend that is to die for.

Enjoy these tasty burgers as your summer draws to a close.  These burgers are on my list of must serve dishes this summer and all year, for that matter.  There’s no reason not to prepare them all year round.  I ‘ve given you baking instructions if you don’t want to grill.  We’ve enjoyed them so much and I know you will as well.


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