Coconut Almond Cranberry Granola

When my babies were born my dear friend thoughtfully brought homemade granola to me.  You know it’s not easy getting back into a “regular” routine following childbirth.  I appreciated the yummy flavors, chewy and crunchy textures and of course, the fiber content DID its thing.

Coconut Almond Cranberry Granola

I am now the proud Nana to baby twin granddaughters, so as I help my son Parker and my darling daughter-in-law Meegan care for them this month in Portland OR, I brought along some of my homemade Almond Cranberry Granola.  It’s great to just grab a handful now and then or I love it on top of honey yogurt (especially Trader Joe’s) along with fresh sliced strawberries.

My recipe is basically the same as my other granola recipe The Best Homemade Granola Ever but I added the cranberries near the end of baking time so they don’t dry out.  I upped the oat bran, added ground flaxseed and used honey and brown sugar for sweetness.

If you want your granola more crunchy, don’t stir during baking time which is what a lot of recipes ask you to do. And be sure to let cool completely before breaking into pieces.


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