Summer Vegetable Garden Salad with Creamy Italian Dressing

Growing a vegetable garden is such a rewarding part of summer.  I’m not a prolific gardener; honestly I’d rather grow flowers and shrubs, but eating what I grow IS pretty cool.  Early summer when temperatures are cooler, lettuces, broccoli and cauliflower create opportunity for beautiful salads like this one with a creamy Italian dressing that you’ll want to keep in your refrigerator all summer long.

I love outdoor dining this time of year.  The temperatures aren’t too cold nor too hot.  And who wants to heat up the kitchen anyway? Gathering (or emptying the refrigerator of) your colorful vegetables, dried blueberries and chunks of Swiss cheese is easy and nutritious.

As you prep your vegetables, be sure to make extra and store them in containers for tomorrow’s meal, because it’s perfectly fine to enjoy leftovers or reshape them into another wonderful recipe like a Spring Vegetable Frittata or a home made pizza using this Easy Whole Wheat Crust

Happy Spring!  And Happy Eating Your Veggies!



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