Classic Spaghetti and Meatballs


Classic Spaghetti and Meatballs

Classic Spaghetti and Meatballs

No one can resist this classic dish.  It’s pure comfort food.  It’s probably safe to say that every household in America has a favorite spaghetti and meatball recipe; the “go-to” dinner recipe that saves the day when the kids are hungry and all you’ve got in the frig is some ground meat with pasta and spaghetti sauce in the pantry!  My house was no exception.  With kids running left and right for sports practices on top of my busy schedule, this recipe appeared at least once a week.  I made this over and over.   Ok, I admit that I didn’t always take the time to make the meatballs and oversimplified with just browned ground meat and/or turkey sausage in the sauce (ok, that’s super-fast and not super-creative but a mom has to do what she has to do).  Today, however, I’ve got a hankering for the meatball, so here it is.

Making meatballs requires some patience, but I’m grateful for my food processor that grinds up the onions, garlic and parsley for me.  I use my hands to mix it all together so as to avoid over mixing the meat which makes it less tender.  I soak the breadcrumbs in milk and add an egg to add more tenderness.  Also cooking them in the spaghetti sauce helps them stay nice and soft and adds more flavor to the sauce itself.  This meatball recipe is simple, but if you’re looking for a few more ingredients, go to my Amazing Italian Meatballs with Tangy BBQ Sauce for another treat.

I serve this over whole grain spaghetti to add more fiber and nutritional value.  (I like Barilla whole grain variety in the yellow box).  Add a fresh green salad and maybe some fresh whole wheat french bread for the perfect classic dinner meal!  Bon Appetit!
